Monday, February 25, 2013

The Economics of Happiness

Lauren Jump-

It was mind opening to have everything I was taught in International Business blown out of the water.  Completely conflicting points of views even in terms of the GPI- Genuine Progress Index were presented which changed the way I  view human and social benefits from companies going into less civilized areas.  On the one hand work is brought to areas but at the same time there was already fulfilling work that we replaced with big business.  It’s sad to see the devastating effects of what occurs worldwide in order for our American consumer mindset to be met.  The movie was boring at parts but the information made an impact on the way I look at international business.

Alex MacLean-

The movie that we got to see this time was OK. Though the part where it talked about how the food traveled back and forth more than one time before being delivered to the store i thought was crazy, it just seems like a waste of time and money. Also seeing the effects of big businesses invading others land  was interesting.

Ishadeen Abreu-

The movie “The Economics of Happiness”  was an interesting movie.  It was sad to see how the exposure of economic pressure on the people of Ladakh completely changed their world around. Ladakhis were genuinely happy with their way of life before the globalization. Like the movie stated, “Globalization breeds insecurity.”  It made the Ladakhis think they were good enough and behind the times. What they had before globalization was true happiness that is close to impossible to find in this world with the media definition of happiness.

Anna Dyson-

My favorite of our in class movie "The Economics of Happiness" was a tie between the Ladakhi people and explanation of GDP and how economists think. I though it was very interesting when when they commented on how economists think about things now isn't realistic because they are not taking everything into consideration. The earth is not being taken into consideration, the earth is an outlier. The society of the Ladakhi people before and after commercial products were brought to them blew my mind. How could a society change its way of life, the thought processes ingrained in their culture within a matter of months. It makes me happy to realize how important community  family, and friendship is, rather than having more products and possessions. 

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