Monday, April 8, 2013

Group Presentations & Dr. Segal's Garden

Lauren Jump -

I previously thought eight hours sunlight was just a rule of thumb for everything in the garden; now I know that root vegetables like six hours of sunlight.  
My garden’s been poisoned- by me.  I didn't know that the chlorine out of the spigot was so bad that I've been hurting my poor, innocent garden.  I don’t drink the water, why should my plants?  From now on I will fill buckets with water and let it sit for five hours to let the chlorine dissipate before watering in the morning.  Most likely I will fill the buckets at night and then water in the morning. Aerobic worm tea sounds like a great idea.  I don’t think I’ll ever advance to the bucket system but I think I may try making some trays.  I wish I knew how far apart to should put the layers.....

100% organic worm tea


Calvin Thornton - 

I learned that I’m literally two steps away from having my own bucket system, but I created it before this week’s class. Pretty proud of that. Also, I learned that you can use the sandy soil here to grow things just as well as as regular “dirt”. Glad I found this out because I’m starting my garden this week and it means I don’t have to buy massive quantities of soil from elsewhere. Just need to find some compost since mine isn't finished yet and I can pick up mulch from the local park for free. Pretty excited.

Alexandra MacLean

I liked learning more about all the fruits that we can have here in SW Florida. Also knowing the different diseases that can attack the plant and what to do about it and what to do to prevent some of the diseases. i learned that if the plant is not able to dry then fungus could develop.

Ishadeen Abreu -

I definitely learned a lot during the last class period about gardening and when to pick certain fruit.  I feel pretty fortunate living out here in Florida because we all have the opportunity to grow food all year round.  You just have to know which fruits and vegetables are best for each season and plant accordingly.  The key to having a successful garden is to have good soil.  Using organic fertilizer nourishes and improves the soil.  I am taking a lot of notes so I can apply what I learned on my up and coming garden.

Anna Dyson - 

Dr. Segal's presentation,on how he transformed his own backyard into a usable sustainable area for growing food, was inspiring and informative. We should all be taking advantage of the fact that our Florida growing seasons are unique and allow for us to be constantly growing something. There is no need to have a giant yard of crab grass. I plan on starting off my own growing project with a potted herb garden on my lanai. Dr. Segal purchases his seeds from Johnny's Seeds and i plan to do the same. I would like to start off with Mint, Sage, Thyme, Lavender, and Echinacea. At first i will start small and eventually i will begin growing leafy greens and vegetables. I would also like to start experimenting with growing and making my own tea. 

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