Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chapters 1 - 3

Lauren Jump -

I enjoyed the presentation lacking the Power Points the most- their facts including global warming and its causes and effects were well presented.  The games were all pretty impressive (especially if we would have had time to do them all).  The heat changes causing deaths comparable to 911 had a good emphasis.  I believe the way its message was presented was a good example of ways our culture could mirror presenting these unfortunate facts to the mass media.  Substantial amounts of people are dying from heat exhaustion and huge natural disasters (that aren't so natural) is good evidence that the few non-believers of global warming should hear.  18,000 people passing in Europe in 2003 due to heat changes is momentous.  A majority of the facts provided during the presentations were unnecessary and poorly presented; but overall there were some good facts provided.  

Alex Maclean -

I thought the presentations that were given last class were pretty good. Some were not as prepared as others. The team that forgot to make a  power point had the most facts, or at least, the most interesting ones to me. Though i was able to take something away from all the presentations. The group that  talked about the water tables falling, something that stuck with me, is the over-pumping aquifers to satisfy their growing water needs. I think that the next presentations will be more organized now that everyone has gotten to see a presentation.

Ishadeen Abreu -

I really enjoyed last class because it sparked up quite a debate on if any of the videos we watched the previous week could actually work.  It showed that people are pretty stuck in their views and show no interest in considering how, in fact, some of the ideas of sustainability and conservation can actually work in America. If anyone values life, you would think, EVERYONE would start making changes to better conserve the little resources we have on this earth.  People need to start thinking for tomorrow and not just for today.  It was absolutely absurd to hear from one of the presentations that one person could eat for a year off the grain it takes to fill a SUV one time!!  If more people were educated on these facts, I think it would be a real eye opener for individuals, as it was for me.  


Calvin Thornton -
During the discussion of the collective farming in Cuba, I repeatedly found myself wondering if that sort of farming could go on above the snow line. Cuba finds itself in a very fortunate latitude as far as growing food year-round. I’m assuming the use of greenhouses would be essential, but I still think it would be difficult. Also, the discussion about how quickly the world is going to run out of fossil fuels saddens me because as long as there is a relatively cheap way to make electricity, we as a species will continue to exploit it, regardless as to the long term costs because we live in the “now”.

Anna Dyson -

I enjoyed the class presentations and class discussion. While watching the presentations it was clear to see who was moved by the information they were presenting. It is my hope that this future generation of environmentally educated and open minded people will be able to make changes to our American society and the world. I like having open class discussion because it allows us to all express ourselves and let others into our minds and hearts. Even within our small class population one can see the how different people's view points are, as well as their agendas. I look forward to future presentations and class discussions.


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