Monday, March 25, 2013

Class Presentations & Urban Homestead Video

Alex MacLean -

What I really liked about today’s class was the many different ways that we can water our plants. The simplest one is one that I like best, collecting water in a container and then watering the plants. when I was volunteering at the Naples Botanical Garden there were many different ones some were painted and some not. Also I did not know that when saving seeds they should be in a container and in something like a fridge.

Lauren Jump-

I was shocked to hear that a chemical found in solar panels is damaging our ozone.  A classmate said that nitrogen triflouride is toxic because it releases too much heat and hurts the ozone.  It is found in solar panels, LCD TVS and computer chips.  After doing some research online I found that …”Elemental fluorine has been introduced as an environmentally friendly replacement for nitrogen trifluoride in the manufacture of flat panel displays and thin film solar cells.[3]” Luckily nitrogen triflouride is not the only option for solar panels.   I like to think that products which are made to help the environment usually do, for the most part.

<J. Oshinowo, A. Riva, M Pittroff, T. Schwarze and R. Wieland (2009). "Etch performance of Ar/N2/F2 for CVD/ALD chamber clean". Solid State Technology 52 (2): 20–24.> & <>

Ishadeen Abreu -

During this week I participated in spreading the word of the importance of recycling by doing the morning wave with all our signs promoting recycling.  Although it was very early in the morning it was really reassuring by all the honks and waves back that we had showing support.  The new plan/experiment for FGCU is to take out all the trash cans out of the classrooms in hopes that students will recycle more and not just throw recyclables away in the waste. It is easier and more affordable for the school to take out trash cans in the classrooms instead of putting a recycling bin in each classroom. This scares me just because I see students being lazy and just leaving trash right on the floor of the classrooms. I hoping that I am proven wrong and that this experiment is successful.  Picture below is the little group of us doing the morning wave. That is me in the hoodie.

Anna Dyson -

I enjoyed the movie we watched in class this week about "the danger of becoming free". I have always been an independent person and i believe it is important to know how to take care of oneself. The building blocks of knowing how to take care of oneself is knowing how to survive. Not knowing how to survive in a city, or survive the dating scene, or survive college....nature. Knowing how to grow and tending to planets should be something taught in schools as regular as algebra. It is completely okay to rely on your community or businesses to support one's needs, but if that wasn't an option....most people would fall by the wayside. Knowing how to grow food and maintain a few animals, collect rain water, and cook are skills than can and do set one free.

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